Thursday 31 May 2012

A Touch Of Cancer............

I'm back!  Oh, so you didn't notice I'd been away eh??  It's actually been just over three months since the last blog but trust me, I haven't been idle in that time.  I have had a few shocks, a trickle of tears, a brush with self pity (honestly, five minutes max) lots of laughs, a shed load of cards and even pressies, some amazingly, heartwarming moments ..............and two rounds of chemotherapy thrown in for good measure. I haven't taken one single photo.

First hat.  I do look slightly manic!
 I guess you've worked out why I haven't been blogging then?!  It's a bit of  bummer but I seem to have cancer, or as I prefer to say, a touch of cancer.  This phrase is actually one used by the dad of my great pal, Annie and I love it.  It implies a temporary hitch, nothing too serious and so that appeals to me.  Mine is the peritoneum/ovarian type (of which more in a future blog, mainly to raise awareness).  My mantra at the moment is "Survive and Thrive" which trips off the tongue quite nicely I think!

I have no intention of turning my blog into a platform from where I can whinge or moan about life being unfair or provide an endless stream of detailed, medical minutia about 'living with cancer' stuff (well not yet anyway!).  There are many other blogs which serve that purpose far better than I can, so I will try and stick with upbeat, positive, funny stuff whenever possible.  This doesn't mean I am trivialising my illness in any way (how could I?) but I need to be upbeat, positive and have a laugh whenever possible,  that's the reason - it's all me, me, me!  So, today's blog is short to ease myself back into it, or in truth, re-learn how to do it because they have 'updated, improved' the templates etc.  I hate it when they do that because it takes me bloody ages to know what I'm doing - then they change it - arghhhh!! See, moaning already.
Me in the morning!
As my hair has rejected me for a while, I thought you might like to see some of the hats I now have in order to cover the ol' head and also the very beautiful scarves I have received as gifts.  I feel like an actress, darling!  I considered tattooing it but was afraid I might get carried away and end up with tattoos in inappropriate places!  You may wonder why there is also a photo of a baby monkey with sticky-up, bum fluff hair?  Then I will tell you.  In our family, we can occasionally verve towards 'bad taste' humour and I certainly have over the last few months.  I woke up yesterday, washed my head, towel dried it, looked in the mirror and fell about laughing at the image staring back at me.  I was going to get David to take a photo for the blog but decided it might be a bit of a shock for some readers. Instead, he found the monkey photo which I think sums up the look I have right now, precisely - well you have to laugh and the monkey is far cuter than me!

Finally for today, I do hope I haven't put you off reading the blog again.  Some of you might even have read JoeJo's so will be aware of all this. It will be interesting and perhaps useful for me and I will try to make it as amusing, fun, informative and entertaining as possible, although maybe not all at the same time!

I will write in a future blog about how wonderful my family and friends are.  I may have cancer but I am also, without a shadow of a doubt,  the luckiest person in the world.

Lots of love

Sue xx