Friday 26 August 2011


The forecast for today is heavy rain, so I thought I would bring some colour into the day with a collage of a few of my photos.  The waterlily was taken at Bodnant Gardens which is just by Llandudno in North Wales.  If you haven't been, then the next couple of months would be a great time to visit due to all the wonderful autumn hues you will see there.  See you there!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

(Not so) Sleepy Hollow

'Sleepy' is a good adjective to describe where I live...........and I like it that way.  If I want action (one word, many connotations - ha!) I can choose from the big cities of Liverpool or Chester or even West Kirby at the weekend!  Well, actually there are days when it is a bit more manic, such as when we have the Egg Run (doesn't everyone?) or Lifeboat Day (yes, we have our very own station).  The Egg Run is a day when literally hundreds of motorbikes do a journey of about 10 miles to raise money for local hospitals and charity.  It is an amazing sight and as a bike lover, enjoyable to watch - at least for the first hour and an half unitl my leg goes dead with all the standing!

On August Bank Holiday Monday, we have the fantastic Lifeboat Day, with the aim of raising funds for the Lifeboat Station here.. and very successful is it too.  There are mad men and women who do acrobatic air displays, quirky stalls and a few carnival rides along the prom but the highlight of the day is a visit by the Red Arrows!  I have seen them many times now and they are breathtaking to watch.  Then on the Tuesday, it is back to sleepy town for months until the Egg Run takes place again. This is just perfect for me as I can only take so many fearless, handsome men in uniform before I need the smelling salts!

But this might all change do come back tomorrow for the next instalment.

I saw this interesting window display today in one of our (many) hairdressing salons. It was difficult to take without reflections but the idea is a ballgown of autumn leaves.  Love it but it is only August!!!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Easy Like Sunday Morning

I love Sundays. Today even more so as it was a beautiful morning and younger son was here for the weekend, which means I got to cook (and better still, eat) a full English breakfast.  Why do I think I need an excuse???

I walked up to newsagent for the papers with a "Good morning" here and "What a lovely day" there, all so very courteous and polite. Then there is Sunday radio, most of which I still enjoy but I grew up with programmes such as Family Favourites, The Navy Lark and The Glums.  These played in the background as mum cooked the much anticipated…………….Sunday Roast. 

Anyway, I have now had my breakfast and my lunch, the papers are scattered over the floor, the TV is rubbish and I am restless. It is raining too, so the rosy glow of childhood memories is fading and I remember something else about how Sundays could be for an 11 year old…………. very..... boring!

It's 8pm and I have just come in from a quick walk.  It has been busy here for the last few weeks with me visiting family or them coming here from their various parts of the world/country............but today people are returning home and I am a bit sad. So, I saw this flower in a garden and it looks like I feel! Should be back to sunny self tomorrow, hopefully.

Just a thought but as a ‘random act of kindness’ could someone gag Sally Bercow and lock her in the Tower – today, if not sooner please?

Tuesday 16 August 2011


I was going to title my general blog 'Random Acts of Kindness' for various reasons I will write about another time.  But, having been to my dad's today, I thought I would mention what happened to him last week.  Now aged 87 and still possessing a razor sharp mind, he was a dispatch rider in the war and a Wall of Death rider in the fifties and bikes have been a constant love.  As others re-discover or keep these skills and thrills going, he is sometimes contacted to 'tell his tales' and only recently a big piece on him appeared in the local rag!  Dad lives with my step-mum, Rose and as he is going blind and she has a degree of dementia they watch out for each other and we all try to find ways to keep this going and find things to interest them.  My sister, Karen, was up from London last week and took him to an old, local pub and then went off to find a history centre nearby.  Sadly this was closed but she came across a garage where she spotted a scrambling bike and of course starting chatting with the guys there.  They suggested that dad call in to see them and the bikes, which is what happened and they spent ages chatting, regaling each other with stories and memories.  Dad was absolutely chuffed to bits and so, as we are surrounded by images of mindless violence, it is great to report that there are many, many 'random acts of kindness' and I will blog on others in the future.  Thanks guys - oh, and thanks to my sister for discovering them!

Monday 15 August 2011

It's only money

In between everything else today, I managed to get the daily walk in which soothed me somewhat after result of car's MOT.  It needs 2 new tyres and back brakes to be sorted, on top of cost of taxing it...grrgh!  Anyway, I am so lucky to live in what I think is an interesting and beautiful area and this walk is just down the road from me.  Along the beach there were lots of huge jelly fish washed up. Don't look at the close-up before dinner - yuk!  All the flowers in the other pic are planted by volunteers and look fab so thanks to all. Just as well I used some carbs on the walk as I went Ring o' Bells for pub grub with lovely step-daughter, Sally and son Alexi - good fun! Will worry about the car another time.

Sunday 14 August 2011

Llangollen History Trail

This week, together with my pal Kathy, we drove to Llangollen in North Wales which is only a hour from where we live.  It is very beautiful and well worth a visit if you haven't been recently.  I want to up my fitness levels and as I hate the gym, I am trying to walk almost every day as this is far more pleasant!  The walk takes you along the canal, past the Horseshoe Falls, the old church and then spectacular abbey, all through the countryside and then back into the town.  It took us about 4 hours but then we kept stopping to eat butties, have a drink, take a photo etc!